Interested in “Adopting” a School?


Did you know that local business can “adopt” schools through NourishNC? It’s easier than you think to begin providing food weekly to hungry children in our area!

Now you may be asking yourself what this has to do with a rail-car company. Well, NourishNC recently partnered with Vertex Rail who, among the many great things they are doing for our community, has “adopted” Rachel Freeman elementary. Now we have the opportunity to not only grow our program through their monetary donations but also have the pleasure of getting to know several Vertex employees through their monthly volunteer nights at NourishNC’s warehouse. If you are interested in “adopting” a New Hanover Co. school contact us today!


A little about Vertex Rail and Vertex Outreach Services…
Vertex works to not only be good individuals and teammates but to also create a company that is considered, on a global basis, to be a standard by which all others should be judged. If we are successful in accomplishing this, then we will be able to “do good” by supporting, and improving the lives of our fellow teammates, their families, and our communities in general.
This is the reason behind Vertex Outreach Services, a program designed to support our local community through services such as school breakfasts, job training and volunteerism. By reaching out to all areas of our communities to foster real and promising opportunities, we believe we can have a positive and long-lasting impact on the livelihood of our people. Through real effort and real investment, Vertex Outreach Services will be a driving force behind our community’s present and future well-being. Click here for more information on Vertex Rail & Vertex Outreach Services.

Our vision is to be anywhere and everywhere hungry kids need us

NourishNC has three strategic programs specifically designed to provide nutritious food to hungry children in our community.

Click here to learn more about our Backpack Program

Backpack Program

The Backpack Program provides food insecure children, pre-K through 5th grade, with three nutritious meals a day, every weekend, and over every school break.

Click here to learn more about Market On Market program

Market On Market

The Market on Market (The MoM) is a full-service grocery store where food insecure children, pre-K through 12th grade, and their families can shop to choose the food that is best for them.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Food Farmacy

The Food Farmacy Program provides non-perishable and fresh food items through partner organizations such as schools, pediatrician offices, and other nonprofits.